Between two lovers, what their lips cannot phrase, their hearts speak in a thousand other ways.
With Love To All - Dick
Between two lovers, what their lips cannot phrase, their hearts speak in a thousand other ways.
With Love To All - Dick
From the trip you just took to the one you will take, I admire you greatly, make no mistake.
For you have what Jewish people call Chutzpah, (nerve) and courage as well, and from every heart you touch, joy will soon dwell.
With Love To All - Dick
Note: Original written to my dear friend Yanin Ontiveros, but applicable to anyone ready to see the world.
Let your decisions reflect neither your fears nor your tears but the maturity and wisdom of your years.
With Love To All - Dick
When two hearts fall in love, they unite as one. But if one heart falls out of love, then there is none.
With Love To All - Dick
Have you known her long? Is she is often on your mind? Is the thought of her sublime?
Are her lips magnificently kissable and her beauty irresistible?
Do you feel incomplete because she is so sweet and not paired with you, your whole life through?
Then my friend you must act for it is a fact, she is the one, the one for you, for no-one else will ever do.
Marry her now and forever more, your hearts will be at heaven's door.
With Love To All - Dick
She was beautiful and alluring and her charm set my soul a whirling.
I had never met anyone else like her before, and when she spoke, my heart cried out, "I must have more."
As we got to know each other better, to her my heart became an open letter, for she knew what to do and knew me through and through.
And my heart cried out, "I must have more."
When it is time to say goodbye, I will not be shy, nor ask why because I will know it is my time to die.
I will pass with a smile, and all the while ask that you not cry, but wish me well as we say goodbye.
If you love me, don't wait for this day, but tell me before now and every day that will allow.
For love is our greatest need and that we love each other I assure you is mutually agreed.
The moon is ever so bright, in this soft and starry night, and in this magical moment, we know our feelings for each other have always been right.
It is no time to be shy for our feelings no-one can deny.
From my heart I must say, please stay, for I love you so and I hope we will never let each other go.
I vow to you, my love will be true and no-one else will I ever embrace as my heart can never replace the beauty that is you.
I have a question to ask and it must be now, for to wait, my heart will not allow.
Will you marry me?
Please say yes and I pledge to thee we will be the happiest of couples, you will ever see.
The moment we met I was captivated as if by a beautiful rose in the glistening morning dew.
Instantly from my heart I knew, I would always love you.
To fall in love so fast, did it make sense? It didn't matter because I had no defense.
And now I love you stronger than ever, and to my heart I must endeavor.
For I love you now and will love you forever.
With Love To All - Dick
How can I ever thank you enough, for in your way, you love me in words beyond what I can ever say. And what I know for sure is your love lives in my heart beautiful, vibrant and secure.
With Love To All - Dick
I hold you in my heart each day, your precious love never far away, and to the world I say, my feelings for you I am proud to display.
With Love To All - Dick
We love you and hope for your healing, for there can be no concealing your importance in our lives. And when you are better, we will rejoice together, thankful for you and all that you do.
With Love To All - Dick
Success is not only achieved by hard work and long hour capacity, but by boldness in deed and true tenacity.
With Love To All - Dick
If you fall in love but cheat through and through, you will discover that it is to your self-worth you are most untrue.
With Love To All - Dick
You are so beautiful and lovely in every way. You have captured my heart and from my soul I hope with me you will always stay.
With Love To All - Dick
When I was young, words were words and I had to be right, and would argue with all my might, to show the world that I was bright.