Thursday, June 16, 2022

A Gentle Caress

In this moment if I could caress you, it would be as gentle as a soft summer breeze and it would come with the tender touch of a hug and a squeeze.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

World Peace

We all want world peace you see.

But that cannot be, I say to thee, until each nation finds peace.

But that cannot be, I say to thee, until each community finds peace.

But that cannot be, I say to thee, until each of us finds peace within ourselves.

So if you thought you did not matter, that myth I will shatter. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Love Everlasting

When love is real it is for a lifetime, for two hearts bond as one, never to be undone.

And whatever chaos may come, and come it will, it will come to nil for loving hearts must be fulfilled.

When I Was Young

When I was young, words were words and I had to be right, and would argue with all my might, to show the world that I was bright.