Monday, March 21, 2022

One Of Life's Greatest Blessings

One of life's greatest blessings is extraordinary health, and with it, you also have extraordinary wealth.

For you have something money cannot buy, no matter how much you spend and how much you try.

Each day, may you feel well and good, without medications to make you feel as you wish you could.

If you lack good health, is it something you can gain? Perhaps but with sacrifice and pain as you eat drink and exercise wisely, hopefully not in vain.

But if cancer or diabetes have you in their spells, it is imperative that you strengthen your cells, and all the power within you that dwells. 

So take good care of what you have been given, and educate yourself as if you were driven, for only you have the power to restore and retain all you hope to gain.

With Love To All - Dick

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When I Was Young

When I was young, words were words and I had to be right, and would argue with all my might, to show the world that I was bright.